Cores & Technologies - Administrative Core

Center Cores & Technologies - Administrative Core

The Administrative Core of the San Diego Muscle Research Center (SDMRC) provides the overall leadership and management of the Research Core Facilities — Phenotyping & Physiology, High Throughput Cell Analysis and Imaging, as well as the Enrichment Program and the Pilot and Feasibility Program.


Core Director

Ju Chen, PhD
Ju Chen, PhD
Ju Chen, PhD is the Chair and Director of the SDMRC Administrative Core.
More information on the core directors and their research interests.


Specific Aims of the Core

  1. To coordinate and integrate Core Center components and activities.
  2. To review the utilization of funds for pilot/feasibility studies and Cores.
  3. To advise the Core Center Director regarding Core activities.
  4. To implement the Core Center enrichment program.
  5. To initiate and maintain the SDMRC website.

The administrative structure proposed is designed to provide maximum interaction across the cores with a minimum administrative overhead. Other facilities within UCSD such as the new CTSA and R24 Infrastructure program are heavily leveraged on behalf of the Core Center.