Making 2% Agarose Gel for PCR Analysis

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  • Agarose powder (kept in cabinet)
  • 1x TAE liquid (by sink)


  1. Start by taping the gel mold (found behind sink) , use three layers of tape each end
  2. Place in the gel mold combs, make sure they are all facing the same direction (knobs towards you)
  3. Create the gel solution in the agarose gel glass beaker
  • 250 ml TAE
  • 5g of agarose powder
  1. Microwave for two minutes, swirl carefully (make sure you have the rubber holder) if not dissolved microwave for another minute. Then let it cool
  2. Once dissolved and cooled add 25 ul of 10,000x DNA stain solution (kept in fridge door_brown tube) and swirl until orange color disappears
  3. Pour solution into agarose mold (in the hood) slowly from one side, and set to solidify (for a quick solid place in cold room)
  4. Once solid cut gels and store in black fridge in the gel container