SDMRC Wiki Main Page

Revision as of 18:49, 9 November 2014 by Stephan Lange (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to then SDMRC Wiki
This openly editable website has been created to allow researchers the sharing of information on model systems for human myopathies, available cell lines, or information on small molecule libraries. The methods and protocol database is another integral part of this website. We hope that SDMRC associated scientists and researchers take advantage of this system, and add valuable information that they would like to share amongst themselves, and with the wider research community.

Available SDMRC Resources Pages

  1. a list of available model organisms for the investigation of myopathies
  2. a list of available cell lines
  3. a list of available small molecule libraries for screening
  4. a methods and protocol database.

If you edit the SDMRC Wiki site (add/edit/amend content), please make sure not to upload copyrighted material.
Contact Stephan Lange if you have questions.
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.